UT Tehuacán

Centro de Recursos Digitales

Internet of Brain, Thought, Thinking, and Creation

Thinking space came into being with the emergence of human civilization. With the emergence and development of cyberspace, the interaction between those two spaces began to take place. In the collision of thinking and technology, new changes have taken place in both thinking space and cyberspace. To this end, this paper divides the current integration and development of thinking space and cyberspace into three stages, namely Internet of brain (IoB), Internet of thought (IoTh), and Internet of thinking (IoTk). At each stage, the contents and technologies to achieve convergence and connection of spaces are discussed. Besides, the Internet of creation (IoC) is proposed to represent the future development of thinking space and cyberspace. Finally, a series of open issues are raised, and they will become thorny factors in the development of the IoC stage.

 Chinese Journal of Electronics, Volume 31, Issue 6, Page 1025-1042, November 2022. Leer más Wiley: Chinese Journal of Electronics: Table of Contents 

Internet of Brain, Thought, Thinking, and Creation

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