UT Tehuacán

Centro de Recursos Digitales


The influence of eyelashes on electric field distribution and absorbed power density in the cornea under millimeter‐wave exposure

Abstract As millimeter wave (MMW) technology, particularly in fifth-generation (5G) devices, gains prominence, there is a crucial need for comprehensive electromagnetic (EM) models of ocular tissues to understand and characterize EM exposure conditions accurately. This study employs numerical modeling to investigate the interaction between MMW and the cornea, aiming to characterize EM field distributions and […]

Characterising core body temperature response of free‐moving C57BL/6 mice to 1.95 GHz whole‐body radiofrequency‐electromagnetic fields

Abstract The present study investigated the core body temperature (CBT) response of free-moving adult male and female C57BL/6 mice, during and following a 2-h exposure to 1.95 GHz RF-EMF within custom-built reverberation chambers, using temperature capsules implanted within the intraperitoneal cavity and data continuously logged and transmitted via radiotelemetry postexposure. Comparing RF-EMF exposures (WBA-SAR of 1.25, […]

Protective effect of radiofrequency exposure against menadione‐induced oxidative DNA damage in human neuroblastoma cells: The role of exposure duration and investigation on key molecular targets

Abstract In our previous studies, we demonstrated that 20 h pre-exposure of SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells to 1950 MHz, UMTS signal, at specific absorption rate of 0.3 and 1.25 W/kg, was able to reduce the oxidative DNA damage induced by a subsequent treatment with menadione in the alkaline comet assay while not inducing genotoxicity per se. In this […]

Pulsed electromagnetic fields attenuate human musculocutaneous nerve damage induced by biceps eccentric contractions

Abstract Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, a noninvasive treatment, has shown promise in mitigating nerve damage. However, unaccustomed exercises, such as eccentric contractions (ECCs), can damage both muscle and nerve tissue. This study investigated whether magnetic stimulation (MS) with PEMF could aid in nerve recovery after ECCs in the elbow flexors. Twenty participants were randomly […]

A comparative study of simulated electric fields of transcranial magnetic stimulation targeting different cortical motor regions

Abstract This computational simulation study investigates the strength of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-induced electric fields (EF) in primary motor cortex (M1) and secondary motor areas. Our results reveal high interindividual variability in the strength of TMS-induced EF responses in secondary motor areas, relative to the stimulation threshold in M1. Notably, the activation of the supplementary […]

Nonlinearities and timescales in neural models of temporal interference stimulation

Abstract In temporal interference (TI) stimulation, neuronal cells react to two interfering sinusoidal electric fields with a slightly different frequency ( f 1 ${f}_{1}$, f 2 ${f}_{2}$ in the range of about 1–4 kHz, ∣ f 1 − f 2 ∣ $| {f}_{1}-{f}_{2}| $ in the range of about 1–100 Hz). It has been previously observed that […]

Stimulus effects of extremely low‐frequency electric field exposure on calcium oscillations in a human cortical spheroid

Abstract High-intensity, low-frequency (1 Hz to 100 kHz) electric and magnetic fields (EF and MF) cause electrical excitation of the nervous system via an induced EF (iEF) in living tissue. However, the biological properties and thresholds of stimulus effects on synchronized activity in a three-dimensional (3D) neuronal network remain uncertain. In this study, we evaluated changes in […]

A real‐time working memory evaluation system for macaques in microwave fields

Abstract With the development and widespread application of electromagnetic technology, the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation have attracted much attention and concern. The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system, especially on learning, memory, and cognitive functions, is an important research topic in the field of electromagnetic biological effects. Most previous studies were conducted […]