UT Tehuacán

Centro de Recursos Digitales


Gas classification by an electronic‐nose prototype based on a single gas sensor with novel temperature modulation

Abstract An electronic nose prototype based on the novel temperature-modulation technique is developed, where the heater voltage changes its amplitude and frequency periodically. The system comprises a sensor analog front end and a digital processing part including a heater voltage generator and a sensor data transmitter, where the digital part was implemented by a field […]

Binary image embedding and restoration in speech signal

Abstract In this paper, we propose a method of embedding images into a speech signal. An image is embedded in the high frequency band above 16 kHz of the speech signal to be difficult to perceive for humans. In the proposed method, the image is embedded after being binarized by the error diffusion method. When the […]

Validation of mobile phone use recall in the multinational MOBI‐kids study

Abstract Potential differential and non-differential recall error in mobile phone use (MPU) in the multinational MOBI-Kids case–control study were evaluated. We compared self-reported MPU with network operator billing record data up to 3 months, 1 year, and 2 years before the interview date from 702 subjects aged between 10 and 24 years in eight countries. […]

Electromagnetic field exposure monitoring of commercial 28‐GHz band 5G base stations in Tokyo, Japan

Abstract Fifth generation (5G) wireless communication is being rolled out around the world. In this work, the latest radio frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure measurement results on commercial 28-GHz band 5G base stations (BSs) deployed in the urban area of Tokyo, Japan, are presented. The measurements were conducted under realistic traffic conditions with a 5G […]

Fabricating process of thin‐strain sensor by utilizing wafer‐level‐packaging techniques

Abstract This research has developed a fabricating process of thin-strain sensor by utilizing wafer-level-packaging (WLP) techniques. The thickness of sensor makes thinner, its performance is able to highly increase. However, the thinner sensor was fragile, and so it was difficult to handle in post processes. Thus, a thin sensor with lid by utilizing WLP techniques, […]

Adaptive output feedback control system design for nonlinear systems via neural networks

Abstract Adaptive output feedback control based on output feedback exponential passivity (OFEP) has a simple structure and strong robustness in regard to disturbances and system uncertainties. However, it is difficult for most nonlinear systems to satisfy the conditions of OFEP. Thus, the introduction of a suitable parallel feedforward compensator (PFC) to construct an OFEP-augmented system […]

Analysis of partial load loss of the PCS and internal storage battery loss in residential PV power generation and storage battery systems

Abstract This study aims to quantify the amount of loss due to partial load of power conditioning system (PCS) and internal loss of storage battery in residential photovoltaic (PV) power generation and storage battery system by using home energy management system (HEMS) data. After identifying the configuration of the PV power generation and storage battery […]

Geoportal ligero para el manejo de las áreas cañeras de la Provincia de Villa Clara

La agroindustria azucarera cubana posee experiencias en el uso de Sistemas de información geográfica (GIS) desde el 2001, con la limitación de usar herramientas propietarias y sin bases de datos centralizadas no accesibles. Como un escalón superior ha sido desarrollada por Geocuba una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE-Azcuba) para el manejo de las áreas cañeras […]

Sistema para la toma de decisiones en el riego de cultivos protegidos basado en aprendizaje de máquina

La escasez de agua constituye una preocupación de la industria agropecuaria, y es que esta emplea en la irrigación cuatro quintas partes del total de agua fresca consumida y dos tercios del total empleado para consumo humano. Por tal razón resulta esencial el desarrollo de sistemas que optimicen el empleo de agua en el riego. […]