Asian Journal of Business and Governance <strong>Discipline</strong>: Business Magement and Education; Technology<br /><strong>Publisher</strong>: <a title="Liceo de Cagayan University" href="" target="_blank">Liceo de Cagayan University</a><br /><br />
- DPWH Supervisors’ Leadership Styles and the Employees’ Commitment in the Planning and Design Divisionby Rene Charles C. Supremo on January 25, 2021 at 7:00 am
This research aimed to identify the different kinds of leadership styles applied by supervisors and examine their effects on the employees’ commitment in the Planning and Design Division (PDD) of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Regional Office 10. The study concentrated on six styles; these are autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational leadership styles. Survey questionnaires were distributed to the 66 research participants, and all were received back. This study utilized the quantitative research method; hence, central tendency measurement, variation measurement, and linear correlation were used in the data analysis. The results imply that the supervisors or the leaders of the Planning and Design Division are more inclined to optimistic or reinforcing leadership styles; these are bureaucratic, democratic, transformational, and transactional styles. With regards to the employees’ commitment, it showed that the employees’ affective, continuance, and normative commitment have high marks. Meaning, the employees working specifically in the PDD are committed to their job because; they wanted to stay, they need to stay, and they are obligated to stay. Unfortunately, the correlation of leadership styles with the employees’ commitment, as confirmed by the results, did not come out as significant. Keywords: leadership, employees’ commitment, correlation, DPWH
- Organizational Commitment of Millennial Employees in Private Banksby Krisya Isabel C. Dauz on January 25, 2021 at 7:00 am
This study aims to determine the employees’ commitment, job satisfaction, and productivity. Specifically, it aimed to describe the level of employees’ commitment, in terms of service and work commitment; the level of job satisfaction of employees in terms of responsibility, recognition, professional development, physical and working conditions, job security or pay, and working relationship; and the level of productivity of the employees on their job. This study also established correlation between variables mentioned above as well as the best predictor for productivity. Descriptive correlational research design was employed for the study and purposive sampling was done in choosing the participants. The statistical tools utilized in this study were mean and standard deviation, Pearson product moment correlation, and multiple regressions. Relevant results revealed that the employees believed their organization genuinely cares for its customers, that the workers are satisfied with their working conditions, and that that they are flexible in their tasks. Employee commitment and job satisfaction are strongly correlated to employee productivity. To conclude, employee commitment is the best predictor of productivity. Keywords: service commitment, work commitment, working conditions, professional development, employee efficiency
- Quality Service, Customer Satisfaction, and Performance of Non-Academic Officesby Niñan Grace D. Labita on January 25, 2021 at 7:00 am
In the world of education, where academicsis the focal service, researchers have found that service quality is another thing which students consider. It is becoming more difficult for universities to enhance and maintain a competitive advantage in their target markets because of competition. This study was conducted to determine the impact of quality service and satisfaction on the performance provided by the non-academic offices to find out the areas that need improvement. The study made use of descriptive - correlational and causal research designs. The study focuses on the SERVQUAL model; reliability, tangibility, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy which are important to students. This study used a random sampling of students who were frequently availing of the services being studied. Research finds a moderate level of quality service and satisfaction while performance meets the expectation as perceived by the customers. Customer satisfaction has a great impact on the non-academic office’s performance. Positive perception about the quality of service leaves a positive image in the mind of students which finally leads them towards a higher level of satisfaction. Keywords: SERVQUAL model, customer perception, satisfaction, expectation, competition
- Job Satisfaction of the Employees of Cooperative Development Authority Region 10by Gilda Q. Abella on January 25, 2021 at 7:00 am
The study aims to identify the level of job satisfaction of employees of the Cooperative Development Authority Region 10 and what are the factors that affect the job performance and present level of their job satisfaction. Among the job satisfaction identified are the remuneration, work-life balance, training, and development and career progression. Data for this study were collected personally distributed among the Forty (40) employees of Cooperative Development Authority Region 10. Therefore, the researcher used universal sampling. Weighted mean and Pearson correlation were applied in determining the factors influencing the Cooperative Development Authority 10 Employees. Also, know the relevant relationship between the factors affecting the level of job satisfaction and the socio-demographic profile of the employees. After gathering all the data, summarized and analyzed the findings revealed that in the remuneration factor, the status of work is significant. Meaning to say employees of CDA 10 whose status is regular, they were satisfied with the remuneration they received. Moreover, the study further revealed that training and development factors have a significant relationship in terms of the rank of the employees. Keywords: job satisfaction, remuneration, work-life balance, training and development, career progression
- Job Performance of Security Personnel in Delmonte Philippines, Pattrick G. Pauya on January 25, 2021 at 7:00 am
The purpose of this study was to assist both the Security Agency and Del Monte Philippines Inc., in understanding the factors that affect the performance of security personnel in terms of their socio-demographic profile and other related factors. By then, both management can determine appropriate actions to address the findings and basically to enhance and develop the performance of the security personnel. The researcher distributes a survey questionnaire to security personnel as respondents and used descriptive statistics to analyze their socio-demographic profile, frequency and percentage. Thus, result shows that majority of the participants were aged between thirty to forty years old, most of them are male and were married with two to four years length of service in the company. Majority also were secondary graduate and mostly were regular as to their employment status. The researcher analyzes job performance of respondents in terms of working condition which outcome shows that all participants did not experience harassment by clients as well from their supervisors. In terms of salary and wages, results display that all the respondents agreed that they were paid in standard minimum wage and for any overtime they work. In terms of working hours, majority of the respondents agreed that they have rest days and five days annual leave. For Trainings, all participants do have a security license, however few of them attended the required and regular enhancement trainings. As to level of their job satisfaction, majority were concluded that respondents were Satisfied. The level of job performance of respondents was also given Good Rating by the management of Del Monte Philippines. However, the results found that relationship between job performance and a) socio-demographic profile and b) work environment factors appears to be not significant. Keywords: working condition, working hours, salary and wages, training, job satisfaction, job performance